A financial aid appeal is an opportunity for you to request a re-evaluation of your 援助:对财政援助政策或决定的援助或上诉. 请审查上诉程序 below to learn more about qualifying circumstances and to proceed with filing an appeal. 


Professional Judgment refers to the authority of a school's financial aid administrator 调整FAFSA或CADAA上的数据元素.  这些评估是逐案进行的 依据并有充分的文件. 并不是所有的收入减少都会导致失业 增加你的奖励金额. 如果你认为你的收入发生了变化,那么 would like your case evaluated by a 金融援助 administrator, please fill out the 专业判决上诉问卷

  • 独立的学生: You may qualify for additional funding if you or your spouse (if married) had a 收入减少.
  • 依赖学生: You may qualify for additional funding if you or your parents had a reduction in 收入.

*Please note you may be required to submit copies of your 2022 W2’s and/or 202 Federal 报税表.

依赖项重写: If you are requesting a review of your dependency status for financial aid, please 完成问卷调查. 财务援助管理员会跟进你的工作 to schedule a meeting appointment if additional information is required. 



The 学费申诉 can be used if you believe the Cost of Attendance used in determining your financial aid was not sufficient to cover your actual expenses 在学年期间. 有"在家"学费的学生,意思是 it is assumed they live with parents/guardians, but who actually live away from parents/guardians 在单独住房可提交租赁证明或租赁协议. 学生 believe they have expenses that exceed the standard Cost of Attendance



  • 从“在家”到“离家”的住房状况变化
  • Excess rent: a copy of your lease agreement (Limit is $200/month increase)
  • 首页owner's or renter's insurance premiums: proof of payment, copy of the policy
  • 付款证明:收据、三个月的对账单:
    • 基本PG&E /公用事业
    • 基本电话费
    • 基本上网费用

A medical, dental, and optical allowance for expenses not covered by insurance is 包括在基本预算的“个人开支”类别中. 适当的文档 for additional projected expenses or expenses that occur 在学年期间 include (there might be a percentage or threshold expenses have to exceed): 

  • 健康care provider's billing statements showing cost, date of treatment, and the 支出金额
  • 保险单副本(用于支付学生的保费)
  • 学生或家长的付款证明

Projected expenses that a student anticipates incurring during the current academic year will be considered on a case by case basis at the discretion of the financial 援助顾问.  

In addition to the basic “Books and Supplies” category of the student expense budget, 可接受的补充包括: 

  • 所需的参考文献
  • 所需特殊设备/用品
  • 所需的研究费用
    Computer Purchase (limit to one computer purchase per completed degree)

The basic student expense budget covers the moderate cost of public transportation 用于往返父母家或自己家的偶然旅行. 运输成本 一定和教育有关吗. 可接受的额外费用包括: 

  • 运输成本 required by an academic program, unusual medical condition, or other reasons directly related to educational needs (supporting statements from an 可要求学术顾问)
  • Costs of commuting to off-campus internships/fieldwork that are related to your program 的研究. 一定要包括:
    • 每次行程估计里程(注明是单程还是往返)
    • 列出起始和结束地址
    • 旅行次数和总里程
  • Cost of car insurance for the student that exceeds the current budget allotment
  • 与你的教育有关的旅行费用收据
  • 反映维修费用过高的收据

An allowance for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, for a student 在国内机构批准的海外学习项目中获得学分.

An allowance based on the estimated actual expenses incurred for dependent care, based 受扶养人的数目和年龄. 这种补贴不得超过平均水平 cost in Los Angeles county; and the period for which dependent care is required includes but is not limited to, class time, study-time, fieldwork, internships, and commuting time.

An allowance, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.

An allowance for the cost of any Federal student loan fee, origination fee, or insurance 向学生或学生家长收取的保费. 津贴可能是 actual or average costs, as appropriate; and may not include the cost associated with 非联邦贷款.

An allowance for the costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or a first professional credential, for a student in a program that prepares them to 进入一个需要这种资格的职业.


  • 有线电视费
  • 信用卡债务
  • 汽车分期付款
  • 购买或租赁车辆
  • 娱乐旅行

Submission of a 学费申诉 along with documentation is not a guarantee 上诉将被批准. 上诉的最终批准由裁量权决定 指定的财务援助顾问. 学生可以对出勤费申诉提出上诉 拒绝助理署长或财政援助署长申请.

An approved Cost of Attendance appeal does not necessarily indicate you will become 有资格获得额外的经济援助.

If you are found to be ineligible for financial aid, you may upload through your LancerPoint a 令人满意的学业进展 Appeal in order to be reconsidered for Financial 援助.  有关SAP政策的更多信息,并观看有用的视频 点击这里.


  1. PCC财政援助,学业进展满意申诉
  2. Documentation to support exceptional/extenuating circumstances that were beyond your 控制. (特殊情况的例子见下文)
  3. A statement explaining what exceptional/extenuating circumstances prevented you from reaching your educational goal, how the exceptional/extenuating circumstance has been 决心,以及完成这个目标需要多长时间. 例外例子 及情有可原的情况:
    • 医疗Issues-Hospitalization
    • 医疗条件
    • 家庭成员死亡(仅限直系亲属)
    • 离婚
    • 服兵役
    • 失业/无家可归.
  4. Your most recent Student Comprehensive Educational Plan which documents the length of time remaining in completing your educational goal at PCC, and all classes needed 对于你申报的项目. *您所声明的专业/课程不需要的课程 (per your approved Comprehensive Educational Plan) will not be eligible for Financial 援助支出.

The Appeal committee will use regulatory guidelines set by the Department of Education and institutional policy to review 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) requirements 确定学生是否有资格获得学生经济援助(SFA). 这个决定 made by the Appeals Committee will be final and there will be no further appeals.